Sunday, July 3, 2011

My little Missionary Army (by Mom)

Attention Everyone,

Jenna's mission papers are IN!!!

We are watching the mailbox very close!

July 3, 2011

It was just one week ago we had people packed in our house like sardines, to see Michael. The leftovers are now gone and the house is beginning to quiet down a bit.
We got a chance to see Sarah which was awesome especially for Aubri! She loves having Sarah around.
Dad and I celebrated Sarah's birthday with dinner at PF Chang's right before she left for the airport. It was fun to sit and chat together... "together" is something we have learned to value!
Jenna and I took off together one night for shopping at Desert Book and dinner at Cheesecake Factory. We decided to bring home a full cheesecake for everybody and it was to die for! Very yummy!
Christopher gets to spend the week at home from Peaceful Valley this upcoming week! I think his skin could use the break! He is so brown! ... except his nose!
Dad gets to come home this week again! Well... for a day I guess... but we LOVE it when Dad comes home!
Oh... gosh... I just about wrapped up this post without the coolest news of all!!! I got a new car! How cool is that? Dad went out and used is awesome car shopping skills and found me the deal of the century... and I love it! So fun to see what he got for me!